The Story
We live in both uncertain and yet promising times. Since the 2016 election, the divisions in our nation has become more evident and in stark contrast to the ideals upon which this nation was built. Many articles and now books have been written addressing the role gender played in the election outcome. Whatever its impact, it is clear that how we define gender and gender roles in our society plays a huge part in shaping our children’s and our society’s attitudes, opinions and behaviors towards one another. These influences are manifest in the toys we buy our children, the television show and films we choose to watch, the books we read and, of course, the news sources we consume. How we relate to one another is also informed by our other differences.
On the en(gender)ed podcast, we try and tackle the ways these differences shape the way we produce and/or reproduce cultural norms and expectations that engender violence and oppression. While the main focus is gender-based, we know that all forms of oppression are connected and that the solution to ending it lies in working together to address all of them. We hope that our shows will educate, inspire and activate you to being a part of the solution to end gender-based violence and oppression. We’re always up for hearing ideas from our listeners, so please get in touch with us. We’re also keen to work with sponsors and collaborators so feel free to reach out if you’re interested in advertising on the show or if you are involved in similar work and would like to collaborate with us on a project or episode.
The Crew
Teri Yuan
I’m Teri, the host and producer of the show. If I have to describe myself in 140 characters, I would say that I am an unapologetic feminist, patriarchy dismantler, domestic violence and coercive control survivor, LGBTQ ally, and social justice warrior. I believe that #BlackLivesMatter and in equality for all. It is with this lens that I view the world and try to raise a feminist son, despite all the challenges our culture, history and politics present and all the barriers it puts in front of me.
I started en(gender)ed as a response to the advocacy work I do in New York City on behalf of survivors of domestic violence and coercive control. I am often one of a handful of survivor voices in the room, asking bold questions, and holding the participants accountable. I want to end gender and sex-based violence and oppression and believe that a first step is helping us all learn the same vocabulary and speak the same language.
It is my greatest wish that these episodes will be a source of information, inspiration and innovation to how we might envision a world that is grounded in compassion, kindness, equality and justice. Please reach out to connect. I am especially spirited by meeting other #sisterresisters and male intersectional feminist allies. Let the journey begin!
**For speaking engagements or domestic violence trainings, please email Teri at**
Michael Duarte
Since childhood, Michael has questioned his surroundings—from his upbringing at home to what he was taught in school. His intellectual curiosity led him to study psychology in college in order to gain a better understanding of himself. However–the more he learned, the more he questioned.
In 2010, he began working for a non-profit where he worked with underprivileged youth as an educator and discovered his passion for helping others. Today he continues working for a non-profit in Workforce Development helping the community to develop work readiness skills, connect them with resources and job opportunities to find jobs, and to learn financial literacy and healthy living.
To this day, Michael has maintained the same level of inquisitiveness—exposing himself to new experiences with the hope that he will continue to grow. He brings this perspective of openness to learning and growth to his work and hopes that, in some small way, he has helped those he works with to do so as well.
Rich Cerbini and Roger Middenway, Audio Engineers