Episode 13: Allen Corben on NOMAS and male allyship in feminism

On this episode, our guest is Allen Corben, co-chair of NOMAS, the National Organization for Men Against Sexism.  Allen also works as the Assistant Registrar of Fuller Theological Seminary, where he received his Master of Arts in Theology.  We will be talking with Allen today about his work at NOMAS–what it means to be a pro-feminist, anti-racist, LGBTQ affirmative male ally and how it relates to reproductive rights, pornography/sex trafficking, intersectionality, and how we can integrate religion and our spiritual practices and beliefs in a post-2016 election world.

During the show Allen shared a lot of resources on a variety of feminist and social justice topics. Here is a partial list that Allen shared that he suggested listeners explore to obtain a better understanding of feminism and some of the issues discussed:

You can contact Allen at info@nomas.org and you can join the NOMAS conversation on Facebook here.

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