Greetings en(gender)ed listeners:
This is the third “Reflections” episode where I examine a series of interviews with my friend, Michael. He joins me as we reflect back on episodes, 12 (Tom Digby), 13 (Allen Corben), 14 (Ben Atherton-Zeman), 15 (Dr. Tonya Leslie), 17 (Autumn), the first set of episodes on the construction of gender identity, feminism, masculinity, diversity and inclusion.
Michael and I used to work together and served many students who were not in school or not working and were looking to develop skills to go back to school or to find a job. The young people we were helping often had their systemic barriers exacerbated by personal conflict in their lives that were difficult to manage, such as parents who didn’t prioritize their education or work over their care-taking responsibilities, or romantic partners who were not helping to parent, didn’t support their efforts to better themselves, and/or engaged in deliberate patterns of behavior to sabotage their school and/or work.
I was interested in Michael’s perspective on the topics covered in our shows so far, especially since the majority of listeners are, not surprisingly, female. I hope you will find this episode engaging and, for the male listeners, an entree into your own exploration of what en(gender)ed has to offer you.
During our reflection, we talked about these additional resources:
- NOMAS’ Facebook Group
- Whiteness on the TV show, Friends, and its absence of race
- The diversity on the children show, Captain Planet and the Planeteers
- Crazy Rich Asians’ significance in its representation of Asian-Americans in mainstream Hollywood
- Symbolic Annihililation from lack of diversity in the media, texts, etc.
- Radiolab’s story on “Dana” who shares their story about growing up with an intersex identity
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