Episode 35: #SurvivorStories Series with Maria Santiago on the impact of childhood domestic violence

On today’s show, our guest is Maria Santiago, a survivor of childhood domestic violence or family violence, a protective parent, and a decades long advocate for survivors of intimate partner violence.  Maria is employed as a violence prevention educator in a NYC non-profit organization and works on elder justice reform in the Latino community as well on behalf of victims in the immigrant community.  Maria is also recognized for her role as a founding member of NYC’s Voices of Women Organizing Project and for her capacity-building trainings to the NYC Administration for Children’s Services and to their contracted preventive agencies.  Maria brings to us a perspective of domestic violence on children, the cycle of abuse, and how advocacy can be a vital part of the survivor’s journey towards healing.

After the interview, Maria and I discussed her use of the word “hoe” as a slut-shaming tactic.  She would like to express her regret for using that term.  Throughout our conversation, Maria interweaves #abusertactics, #signsofabuse, and #upstandertips.

During the interview, our conversation referenced the following resources:

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