Episode 46: en(gender)ed Reflections on systemic responses to trauma in domestic violence

In this “Reflections” episode,Teri and Michael reflect back on Episodes on systemic responses to trauma in domestic violence – Episode 38: Dr. Tanja Jovanovic on how witnessing abuse is just as bad for children as being abused, Episode 39: Trauma therapist Julia Hochstadt on working with survivors of abuse and violence, and Episode 40: Kathleen Kendall-Tackett on domestic violence, trauma, breastfeeding, mothering and their intersection

Teri and Michael co-host the en(gender)ed reflections episodes which serve to help curate a series of past episodes, usually around a specific theme.  We hope these episodes help listeners coming in at that point of the podcast identify particular episodes and themes that they may want to explore. During our reflection, we talked about these additional resources:

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