On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is CV Harquail, a change agent, author, consultant and retired management professor who works at the intersection of organizational change, feminist praxis, leadership, and digital technology. We will be talking about her recent book, Feminism: A Key Idea for Business and Society–the first to combine feminism and business. We explore how the ideas in the book craft a vision of work where businesses are profitable, products and work are meaningful, financial returns are consistent and fair, and individuals, communities, and the planet all flourish. CV offers practical tools, useful frameworks, and novel resources for initiating and sustaining real change.
For part 2 of our conversation, CV and I referenced the following resources:
- Bengt Holmstrom and Jean Tirole’s paper, “The Theory of the Firm“
- What is a land acknowledgement?
- The concept of “oblivious discovery” in which feminist ideas or concepts have been appropriated and reformulated as “new”
- How Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms’ book, “New Power” bro-propriates the concept from Mary Parker Follett, an organizational theory and behavior philosopher and often called the “Mother of Modern Management” and coined the term “power with” rather than “power over” as a way to share power
- Examples of organizations applying feminist business practices or values to growth including Lunapads, Bumble, Percolab, Basecamp, and Loomio
- Samantha Slade’s book “Going Horizontal: Creating A Non-Hierarchical Organization, One Practice At a Time“
- The role of the ERA or Equal Rights Amendment in incentivizing businesses to prioritize gender equality and equity in the workplace
- Andrea Dworkin‘s ideas about sex and violence
- The expansion of material and resources to teach and learn about oppression and be anti-racist, beyond the book, “Understanding Everyday Racism: An Interdisciplinary Theory” by Philomena Essed
Be sure to check out Part 1 of our conversation with CV if you haven’t heard it already. We chat about what feminism is and how she expands the definition for business, how businesses can benefit, and current approaches to gender equality in the workplace.
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