communities of color

Episode 134: Domestic Violence Awareness Month Community Conversation on Domestic Abuse and the Church

This year, in recognition of DVAM, the Engendered Collective hosted a series of community conversations to bring greater awareness to domestic abuse and gender-based violence.  Today’s conversation deals with the intersection of domestic abuse and the Church. Our guests included Debra Wingfield and Julie Owens. Debra Wingfield, Ed.D. is an Author, Speaker, and Trainer with…

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Episode 133: Domestic Violence Awareness Month Community Conversation on Domestic Abuse and Child Abuse

**A word of caution–these conversations contains frank discussions of child sexual abuse and the effects of abuse.** This year, in recognition of DVAM, the Engendered Collective hosted a series of community conversations to bring greater awareness to domestic abuse and gender-based violence.  Today’s conversation deals with the intersection of domestic violence and systemic sexism and…

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Episode 132: Domestic Violence Awareness Month Community Conversation on Domestic Abuse and Communities of Color

This year, in recognition of DVAM, the Engendered Collective hosted a series of community conversations to bring greater awareness to domestic abuse and gender-based violence.  Today’s conversation deals with the intersection of domestic violence and systemic sexism and racism in communities of color. Our guests included Liz Stewart-Williams, Roman James, and Shia Joyner, all domestic…

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