
Episode 15: Dr. Tonya Leslie on diversity and inclusion in children’s texts

On this episode, our guest is Dr. Tonya Leslie, an educational consultant who has worked for over 20 years in educational publishing. Dr. Leslie talks about creating educational content that engages students and youth in developing a cultural consciousness as a force for understanding ourselves and our society. She has also worked with school districts…

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Episode 14: Ben Atherton-Zeman on teaching feminism and undoing sexism through drama

On today’s episode, our guest is Ben Atherton-Zeman, a public speaker and comedic performer on issues of violence prevention.  His one man show, “Voices of Men” has been performed in over 46 states and around the world, including four continents.  Ben has spoken and performed at military installations, colleges, high schools, public theatres, conferences, houses…

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Episode 12: Tom Digby on Men, Masculinity and Heterosexual Love

On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is Tom Digby, author of Love & War: How Militarism Shapes Sexuality and Romance. The book, Love and War, provides a new way to view heterosexual love, as well as the impact of misogyny in the everyday lives of men and women. Tom’s work has been widely shared…

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Episode 8: en(gender)ed Reflections on abuse, control and gender-based violence–a look back with our guest, Michael

Greetings en(gender)ed listeners: We are sharing a new episode format where my friend Michael joins me as we reflect back on the first six episodes of the podcast.  Michael and I used to work together and served many students who were not in school or not working and were looking to develop skills to go…

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Episode 1: What is en(gender)ed?

In our introductory episode of en(gender)ed, we address the what, how and why en(gender)ed exists and the purpose it serves in illuminating and informing our listeners of the myriad of ways gender-based violence and oppression is manifest in our society.

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