fathers supremacists

Episode 153: Rafia Zakaria on her book “Against White Feminism”

On this episode of en(gender)ed, guest host Roman James interviews feminist lawyer, human rights activist, political philosopher, columnist and author, Rafia Zakaria about her newly released book, Against White Feminism, Notes on Disruption.  Roman speaks with Rafia about the historic domination of the feminist lexicon by upper middle class white women, the de-centering of Black…

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Episode 152: Karen Williams on helping doctors better understand violence against women

On this episode of the en(gender)ed podcast, our guest is Dr. Karen WIlliams, a psychiatrist based in Australia, with an interest In PTSD and cPTSD , social justice and public health. Karen is the Founder of Doctors Against Violence Towards Women, a group of 700 plus doctors from across Australia and New Zealand committed to…

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