
This Country Doesn’t Really Care About Children

To do so, we must first care about women I’ve not been watching the confirmation hearings because I’ve had my share of it back in the 1990s when I was first exposed to the double excoriation of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings, where Senate Republicans weaponized both race and gender against her to secure…

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Tonight’s Debate Illustrates How Abusers Use Coercive Control: Why We Must Build an Accountability Culture

One hour before Tuesday’s Presidential Debate, my phone started pinging with texts in anticipation. It didn’t take long before these exchanges started making me feel anxious and agitated — the same feeling of dread that I get when I know I will be seeing my abuser — during one of his visits with our son or the night before…

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Top Podcasts Lists!

It was such a delight to discover that en(gender)ed appeared on not one, but two best podcast recommendations list this week! Feminist, sustainability, and environmental justice organization, WEN, recommended en(gender)ed as a “COVID-19 top podcast“ along with other familiar sister podcasts, including Amanda Laird’s Heavy Flow Podcast.  We did a podcast swap back in 2018…

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Episode 46: en(gender)ed Reflections on systemic responses to trauma in domestic violence

In this “Reflections” episode,Teri and Michael reflect back on Episodes on systemic responses to trauma in domestic violence – Episode 38: Dr. Tanja Jovanovic on how witnessing abuse is just as bad for children as being abused, Episode 39: Trauma therapist Julia Hochstadt on working with survivors of abuse and violence, and Episode 40: Kathleen…

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Episode 44: Georgie Barden on fertility literacy as a form of reproductive choice and freedom

On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is Georgie Barden, a 20 year veteran of the biopharma industry consultant specializing in process organization, change management.  Georgie started Fertility 4 me in 2019 in response to her eight and a half year struggle with infertility and her passion to fix broken processes. Our conversation with Georgie…

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