
Episode 4: Ruth Glenn, CEO and President of the NCADV on national priorities in fighting gender-based violence

On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is Ruth M. Glenn, the CEO and President of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).  Previously Ms. Glenn was employed by the Colorado Department of Human Services for 28 years and served as the Director of the Domestic Violence Program (DVP) for the last nine of those…

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Episode 3: Phyllis B. Frank on Batterer Intervention Programs

On this episode, our guest is Phyllis B. Frank, the Senior Director of VCS, a mental health counseling and family service agency located in Rockland County, with an anti-racist, social justice mission.  Phyllis has dedicated herself to the battered women’s movement for the past 40 plus years, starting the first NY Model for Batterer Programs.

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Episode 2: Evan Stark on “Coercive Control” as a gendered liberty crime

On this episode, our guest is Evan Stark, a sociologist and forensic social worker who has been working at the intersection of feminist activism, child welfare, health research and justice reform since he and his wife Anne Flitcraft, MD helped found one of the earliest shelters for battered women in l970’s. His prize winning book…

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Episode 1: What is en(gender)ed?

In our introductory episode of en(gender)ed, we address the what, how and why en(gender)ed exists and the purpose it serves in illuminating and informing our listeners of the myriad of ways gender-based violence and oppression is manifest in our society.

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