
Episode 42: Amanda Laird on menstrual equity as a human right

On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is Amanda Laird, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist™ and host of the Heavy Flow Podcast – a weekly podcast dedicated to periods, reproductive health and other taboo health and wellness topics. Amanda is also the author of Heavy Flow: Breaking the Curse of Menstruation.  We will be speaking with…

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This Video is Authentic Gaslighting — not “Authentic Love”

A therapist friend recently shared the below video with me. While I was watching with her, I couldn’t help but pepper my viewing with angry interruptions to correct, challenge and/or contextualize their broad brush strokes that essentially rendered women responsible for patriarchal oppression against men. From Authentic Love Berlin   For those of us who…

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Weaponizing Race at the Expense of Survivor Safety and Abuser Accountability - Yet Again!

Imagine attending a #BlackLivesMatter organizing meeting and hearing the organizers spout #AllLivesMatter or #BlueLivesMatter as a rallying cry. Imagine going to a Title IX policy workshop that touted itself as a solution to strengthening accountability of campus rape and sexual assaults, then hearing the speakers refer to Brock Turner, not as a convicted rapist, but…

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Episode 21: #SurvivorStories Series with Jordan on leaving his fundamentalist Christian home

On this episode, we speak with Jordan, a cis-gendered bisexual man who identifies as an intersectional feminist, anti-racist and pro-LGBTQAI.  He grew up in Dallas, Texas as the second child out of 8 in a conservative Christian home who followed the teachings of the Institute in Basic Life Principles, established by Bill Gothard (a ministry that…

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