reproductive justice

Episode 52: en(gender)ed anniversary episode–“What does freedom mean to you?”

In celebration of en(gender)ed one year anniversary, we are releasing this bonus episode where we ask former guests and other friends of the show, “What Does Freedom Mean to You?”  Take a listen for a road map on how we can get there. Don’t forget to subscribe to our show!  

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Episode 51: en(gender)ed Reflections on body literacy

In this “Reflections” episode,Teri and Michael reflect back on episodes on body literacy – Episode 42: Amanda Laird on menstrual equity as a human right, Episode 43: Professor Spring Cooper on the importance of sexual health and agency, , Episode 44: Georgie Barden on fertility literacy as a form of reproductive choice and freedom, and…

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Episode 44: Georgie Barden on fertility literacy as a form of reproductive choice and freedom

On this episode of en(gender)ed, our guest is Georgie Barden, a 20 year veteran of the biopharma industry consultant specializing in process organization, change management.  Georgie started Fertility 4 me in 2019 in response to her eight and a half year struggle with infertility and her passion to fix broken processes. Our conversation with Georgie…

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