Sexual Harassment

Episode 26: Tammy Cho, Co-Founder of Better Brave on Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

On this episode, our guest is Tammy Cho, co-founder of BetterBrave–an online site that combats sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation in the workplace by empowering targets and allies with the necessary resources and tools.  BetterBrave offers options for women to report harassment and provides a clear outline of their rights. Users can also access BetterBrave’s…

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Episode 5: Michelle Carroll of the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault on campus rape, laws, and guidelines

On this episode, our guest is Michelle Carroll, Director of Campus Projects at the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault.  In May 2017, Governor Cuomo signed into law New York’s groundbreaking “Enough Is Enough” Law, NY Education Law Title 129-B,  and the guidance the law offers, which requires that all colleges and universities in New York…

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