
10 Lessons “The Walking Dead” Offers To Help Us Through This Pandemic

At this point, all fifty states local governments have declared some sort of lockdown to control the spread and manage the healthcare response to the COVID-19 crisis. For many states, easing of stay-at-home restrictions and the gradual re-opening of businesses has punctuated differences in how people are navigating the tension between returning to some semblance…

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The First Step to Healing is Admitting You’re in an Abusive Relationship

When I woke up this morning, I found this great tweet that summed it up perfectly — America is in an abusive relationship with her ‘president.’ I’ve been saying this since the election. I’m sure we can all remember what we were doing that night — November 8, 2016 — and how we felt the next morning. For me, that grim…

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