This Country Doesn’t Really Care About Children

To do so, we must first care about women I’ve not been watching the confirmation hearings because I’ve had my share of it back in the 1990s when I was first exposed to the double excoriation of Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas hearings, where Senate Republicans weaponized both race and gender against her to secure…

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Episode 97: #SurvivorStories Series with “Carol” on parenting with an abuser during COVID-19

On this #SurvivorStories series episode, our guest is “Carol.” a protective mom of two young boys.  Carol shares with us her struggles as a parent during a pandemic and how her efforts to keep her children safe are compromised by her ex-husband.  During our conversation, “Carol” shares with us examples of #abusertactics used by her…

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Episode 66: en(gender)ed Reflections on child sexual abuse

In this “Reflections” episode,Teri and Michael reflect back on episodes on the child sexual abuse – Episode 60: Gary Greenberg on the NYS “Child Victims Act”–activism and accountability in response to child sexual abuse, Episode 61: #SurvivorStories series with Kathy Picard, on her book, “Life with My Idiot Family: A True Story of Survival, Courage…

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Understanding Voter Disenfranchisement as “Coercive Control”

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court issues a 5–4 ruling in the Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute case that allowed Ohio to continue its practice of purging voter rolls for voters who were deemed “ineligible” by virtue of non-voting or not responding. So, for example, if you fail to vote in a federal election…

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